Cloud 404
First Baptist Church Temple
  • One-Time
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Every two weeks
  • Twice a month

Enter a dollar amount to make a gift.

  • One-Time
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Every two weeks
  • Twice a month
Cover processing fee

When this box is checked, your gift will be increased slightly to cover the transaction processing fee that would otherwise pay.

Processing fees will vary depending on payment method and gift amount.

Enter a dollar amount to make a gift.

Memo (optional)

We have not been able to deliver receipts and other important messages to your email address: Please update your email address before continuing.

Bank name

Within 1-3 business days you will see two separate micro deposits of less than $1.00 on your bank account. The micro deposits will be labeled "Subsplash” from Subsplash Wallet. Confirm the two small deposits made to your bank account.

Summer plans?

Set up a recurring gift so you never miss a donation while you're away.

Make this gift recurring

We noticed you donate to this fund regularly. Did you know you can set up a recurring gift?

Unrecoverable error

Failed to retrieve client details.

Please report!

●●●●●● Unverified